Example with LeadIn and LeadOut in the same slave period

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主页  轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 凸轮(Cams) > 预先定义的Cam流程 > MC_BR_AutoCamDwell  >

Example with LeadIn and LeadOut in the same slave period

bsp leadin leadout mc_br_autocamdwell

The master and slave side length for the cam calculated by the drive can be defined using the "MasterLength" and "SlaveLength" inputs. The value 0 is used for "LeadInSlaveDistance". This means that the cam starts at the current slave position on the slave side. The slave axis movement is started when the master axis reaches the position "MasterStartPosition" – "LeadInMasterDistance". The signal for "LeadOut" is received while the coupling is active. This causes the coupling to be exited. The slave axis moves until it reaches "SlaveLength" while the master axis moves for the rest of the master period and the "LeadOutMasterDistance" since the value of "LeadOutSlaveDistance" = 0.