"SearchRM" input and "SearchDone", ProductsWithoutRM" outputs

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主页  轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 色标控制 (MC_RegMa-Library) > MC_BR_RegMarkCapture002  >

"SearchRM" input and "SearchDone", ProductsWithoutRM" outputs

If a registration mark does not occur within the expected window (see Parameters for detecting the registration mark), then the value of the "ProductsWithoutRM" output is increased by 1 depending on the product length (see Timing diagram for "ProductWithoutRM").

The "SearchRM" input can be used to shift the expected position and therefore perform a readjustment.

The "ProductsWithoutRM" error counter is reset as soon as searching is active.

As a result, the expected position of the registration mark in one product interval will no longer be shifted by "Configuration.ProductLength", but rather by the entire window width "AdvancedParameters.WindowNeg" + ".WindowPos". This ensures that the next signal on the configured "AdvancedParameters.EventSourceParID" will be detected as a valid registration mark signal.

The "ProductsWithoutRM" error counter is incremented with each traversed product length where a registration mark is missing.

The "SearchDone" output is reported as soon as a valid registration mark has been detected (see Timing diagram for "ProductWithoutRM").

Searching for the next registration mark can be enabled at any time using "SearchRM" even if no registration marks were missed.

After a valid registration mark has been found, the expected position is shifted again with "Configuration.ProductLength".

If the values for the window ("AdvancedParameters.WindowPos" and ".WindowNeg") = 0, however, then all registration marks will be accepted and the "SearchRM" input ignored.