"Command" input

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主页  轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 驱动器准备 > MC_BR_BrakeControl  >

"Command" input

The function block performs an action based on this input.


Engages the holding brake.


Releases the holding brake.


Transfers the parameters for the holding brake test. These parameters also have an effect when automatic torque testing is enabled when the controller is turned on or off.


Tests the holding brake using the configured test torque. Outputs the maximum position error that occurred during the test to the "PositionError" output after the test has completed successfully. While the holding torque test is underway, the PLCopen axis state is set to Homing.

If an error occurs or the configured position error limit is exceeded during the test, then the function block will report error29312: An error occurred during the holding brake test.

mcBRAKE_TEST_START with "Configuration.BrakeTest.TestMode" = 1

This command performs a safe holding brake test with the configured testing torque (TestTorque). The safe brake test can be used for both safety-related and normal braking.

Outputs the maximum position error that occurred during the test to the "PositionError" output after the test has completed successfully. While the holding torque test is underway, the PLCopen axis state is set to Homing.

The testing duration under "Configuration.BrakeTest.TestDuration" is automatically extended by a factor of 32 when this mode is used.

If an error occurs or the configured position error limit is exceeded during the test, then the function block will report error29312: An error occurred during the holding brake test.


Transfers the control parameters for the holding brake.


Transfers the parameters for the holding brake test and the control parameters for the holding brake.


Determines the holding brake's current mechanical state.