Cyclic operation

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主页  轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 色标控制 (MC_RegMa-Library) > MC_BR_RegMarkCapture001  > Working with the MC_BR_RegMarkCapture001 function block  >

Cyclic operation

After the MC_BR_RegMarkCapture001 function block has been enabled ("Enable = 1"), the parameters are configured on the drive. The "Active" output is set to 1 as soon as the drive has been fully configured.

A separate PLCopen function block must then start the material feed, and the MC_BR_RegMarkCapture001 function block can carry out its tasks in the background. At each product interval, the function block captures the position of the interval start and the current position of the registration mark, calculates the absolute value of the registration mark within the product interval and writes to the outputs. This is done until the cyclic operation is ended ("Enable" = 0).

When the material is changed, new values can be written to the function block inputs. The new values are not initialized until the next rising edge of the "InitData" input (see Changing function block input values online).

The first registration mark may also have to be searched for again (or "LengthChange" must be configured with a corresponding operating mode in such a way that the search is started and certain to find the first registration mark after the material is changed).