Operation of the "ControllerParameters.AutoParamIntegrator" input

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主页  轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 色标控制 (MC_RegMa-Library) > MC_BR_RegMarkCalc001  >

Operation of the "ControllerParameters.AutoParamIntegrator" input

If "AutoParamIntegrator" is used, the function block uses the specified values (network cycle time, etc.) to calculate an integral action time for the controller, which it then uses and outputs to the "AdditionalInfo" output.

If the integral action time cannot be used for the application, it is possible to disable "AutoParamIntegrator" and use the calculated values as the basis for fine adjustments.

Do not use "AutoParamIntegrator" when controlling "LengthError" because "DistanceIntegralTime" = 0.