Input "Parameters.Periodic"

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主页  轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 驱动器准备 > MC_BR_MechPosDeviationComp  >

Input "Parameters.Periodic"

If the mechanics exhibit a periodic deviation, this input can be set to mcPERIODIC.

The parameters under DirectionIndependent.CompData or DirectionDependent.CompDataPos and .CompDataNeg are periodically interpreted and periodically repeated.

The difference between the first and last point in .AdrPositions provides the period. This is indicated on output AdvancedInfo.Period.

A period different than the configured axis period is possible for compensation, but the following limitations apply:

The function block (i.e. compensation) must be enabled after homing the axis before leaving the first axis period. Otherwise, the compensation data may be offset from the axis position.

Enabling the function block (i.e. compensation) after mcHOME_RESTORE_POS can also result in compensation data being offset from the axis position.