Determining the "Mode"

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主页  轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 色标控制 (MC_RegMa-Library) > MC_BR_RegMarkCapture001  > Operating mode ("Mode")  >

Determining the "Mode"

Target system being used:








This selected target system is not supported!

Network being used:






This selected network is not supported!

Finding the first registration mark position:


All values for the subsequent parameters are known and should be used.


At least one parameter value is unknown or a function block should be enabled while the machine is in operation.

List of important parameters:





Product length:


Constant within certain tolerances



Length and position information required for calculating compensation:


"LengthError" and "PositionError" required


Only "LengthError" required

Generating the interval starting position:


By master position


By event

Note: This selection has no effect if "Only LengthError necessary" was selected beforehand.

Searching for lost registration marks:


Do not search for lost registration marks


Use automatic search


Use manual search

Note: A registration mark is considered "lost" when a valid trigger signal cannot be detected within a defined window.

Determining the mode

Clicking on the following button determines the result depending on the settings made above:

  {Button:DetermineMode:"Determine mode!"}

Determined "Mode":




This function block cannot be used with the selected target system!


This function block cannot be used with the selected network!

Information about function block inputs depending on the "Mode":


The following is a list of the function block input parameters that have an effect in the currently determined mode.



The optional parameters can be initialized with "0".

All of the parameters that do not have any effect in this mode should be initialized with "0".

{Result:mcACT_CFG + autoSearch}
{Result:mcFIRST_TRIGGER + autoSearch}
 Master oder MasterParID
 SearchTrigger (optional)
 InitData (optional)
 TriggerInput.MinWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.MaxWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.IntervalLevel (optional)
 TriggerInput.SensorDelay (optional)
 ProductParameters.StartOffset (optional)
 ProductParameters.RegMarkPosition (optional)
{Result:mcACT_CFG + deactivatedSearch}
{Result:mcFIRST_TRIGGER + deactivatedSearch}
 Master oder MasterParID
 InitData (optional)
 TriggerInput.MinWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.MaxWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.IntervalLevel (optional)
 TriggerInput.SensorDelay (optional)
 ProductParameters.StartOffset (optional)
 ProductParameters.RegMarkPosition (optional)
 Master oder MasterParID
 SearchTrigger (optional)
 InitData (optional)
 TriggerInput.MinWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.MaxWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.IntervalLevel (optional)
 TriggerInput.SensorDelay (optional)
 ProductParameters.StartOffset (optional)
 ProductParameters.RegMarkPosition (optional)
{Result:mcACT_CFG + mcINTERVAL_EVENT + autoSearch}
{Result:mcFIRST_TRIGGER + mcINTERVAL_EVENT + autoSearch}
 SearchTrigger (optional)
 InitData (optional)
 TriggerInput.MinWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.MaxWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.SensorDelay (optional)
 ProductParameters.StartOffset (optional)
 ProductParameters.RegMarkPosition (optional)
 ProductParameters.SearchMode (optional)
{Result:mcACT_CFG + mcINTERVAL_EVENT + deactivatedSearch}
{Result:mcFIRST_TRIGGER + mcINTERVAL_EVENT + deactivatedSearch}
 InitData (optional)
 TriggerInput.MinWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.MaxWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.SensorDelay (optional)
 ProductParameters.StartOffset (optional)
 ProductParameters.RegMarkPosition (optional)
{Result:mcACT_CFG + mcLENGTH_ONLY + autoSearch}
{Result:mcFIRST_TRIGGER + mcLENGTH_ONLY + autoSearch}
 SearchTrigger (optional)
 InitData (optional)
 TriggerInput.MinWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.MaxWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.SensorDelay (optional)
 ProductParameters.StartOffset (optional)
 ProductParameters.RegMarkPosition (optional)
 ProductParameters.SearchMode (optional)
{Result:mcACT_CFG + mcLENGTH_ONLY + deactivatedSearch}
{Result:mcFIRST_TRIGGER + mcLENGTH_ONLY + deactivatedSearch}
 InitData (optional)
 TriggerInput.MinWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.MaxWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.SensorDelay (optional)
 ProductParameters.StartOffset (optional)
 ProductParameters.RegMarkPosition (optional)
 SearchTrigger (optional)
 InitData (optional)
 TriggerInput.MinWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.MaxWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.SensorDelay (optional)
 ProductParameters.StartOffset (optional)
 ProductParameters.RegMarkPosition (optional)
 SearchTrigger (optional)
 InitData (optional)
 TriggerInput.MinWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.MaxWidth (optional)
 TriggerInput.SensorDelay (optional)
 ProductParameters.StartOffset (optional)
 ProductParameters.RegMarkPosition (optional)