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主页  轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 凸轮(Cams) > 预先定义的Cam流程 > MC_BR_CamDwell  >


29200: The axis object is invalid.

29205: The axis is not homed.

29206: The controller is off.

29207: This movement type is currently not allowed.

29208: The axis object was changed since last FB call.

29217: Invalid input parameter

29226: Drive error. Call MC_(BR_)ReadAxisError for details.

29227: No further master position can be sent on the network from this drive.

29228: No further master position can be read from the network by this drive.

29229: Synchronized movement not possible

29230: Internal error: Error transferring parameter list

29232: Internal error: Invalid SPT resource type

29233: SPT resources of required type not available

29242: Cyclic read data full

29244: Internal error while configuring cyclic data

29250: Invalid CamTableID

29266: The MasterParID was changed since last FB call.

29315: Cyclic transfer of the position aborted because of an axis error