mcONCE (single start of a movement after an event)

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主页  轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 基础运动 > MC_BR_EventMoveAdditive  > Function block modes  >

mcONCE (single start of a movement after an event)

Starts the movement once when "Execute" = TRUE and the event occurs.

Axis state Discrete Motion:

The specified distance is added to the last target position.

Axis state Discrete motion:

The distance is added to the current position right when the "Execute" input is set to TRUE.


If this function block is aborted by an MC_MoveAdditive function block before the trigger event occurs, the target position of the MC_MoveAdditive function block is calculated as follows:

Last target position or current position + MC_BR_EventMoveAdditive.Distance + MC_MoveAdditive.Distance

If only the distance of MC_MoveAdditive.Distance should be covered in this case, the MC_Stop function block must be called first AxisState = Standstill; MC_MoveAdditive adds its distance to the current position!

Example (successful command processing)


The events marked in red above are ignored. A new distance is specified on each rising edge of the "Execute" input.