Auto-configuration of the integral action time

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主页  轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 色标控制 (MC_RegMa-Library) > MC_BR_RegMarkCalc001  > Procedure for configuring the controller  >

Auto-configuration of the integral action time

Setting the "ControllerParameters.AutoParamIntegrator" parameter to "mcON" calculates the integral action time and makes it available in "AdditionalInfo.ShiftIntegralTime" or "AdditionalInfo.DistanceIntegralTime".

The following values are applicable in this case:

ProductLength = 3000 units

Velocity = 30,000 units/s


Controller parameters: : ShiftGain = 0.35, ShiftIntegralTime = 0. 4736 (determined automatically), MaxShiftCorrection = 50; controller is enabled at a deviation of approx. -130.


Overshoot is relatively small and the setpoint is reached quickly.