Procedure for configuring the controller

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主页  轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 色标控制 (MC_RegMa-Library) > MC_BR_RegMarkCalc001  >

Procedure for configuring the controller

A PI controller with adjustment limits is implemented in the function block. Depending on the application, either the position deviation "PositionError" or the length deviation "LengthError" can be controlled. On each rising edge of the "Calculate" input, a new "Shift" or "Distance" adjustment value is calculated for controlling either the position deviation or length deviation, respectively.

Procedure when configuring the controller:

Define the maximum position and length deviations that the controller should correct in each product interval ("MaxShiftCorrection" and "MaxDistanceCorrection").

Determine the proportional gain ("ShiftGain" and "DistanceGain") by turning on the controller with an existing deviation and tracing the step response.

In most applications, a proportional gain >1 is not necessary. A proportional gain of approximately .35 is a good starting value.

Determine the integral action time ("ShiftIntegralTime" and "DistanceIntegralTime") by turning on the controller with an existing deviation and tracing the step response.

The integral action time is calculated automatically by setting parameter "ControllerParameters.AutoParamIntegrator" to mcON.

Topics in this section:

Adjustment limits ("MaxShiftCorrection" and "MaxDistanceCorrection")

P controller

PI controller characteristics

Auto-configuration of the integral action time