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主页  轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 凸轮(Cams) > 预先定义的Cam流程 > MC_BR_CamTransition  > "TransitionMode" input  >


In this mode, only the synchronous cam is repeated cyclically.

After the lead-in signal is set, the lead-in movement is performed once before switching to the synchronous cam.

When the mcTRANSITION_OFF mode is used, a LeadIn signal must also be set in order to start the movement.

If mcLEAD_IN is not enabled, the system switches directly from standstill to the sync cam.

After setting the lead-out signal, the lead-out movement is performed once after the sync cam and ends with the standstill of the slave axis.

If mcLEAD_OUT is not enabled, the system switches directly to standstill from the sync cam.

After the lead-in signal is set again, the sequence begins the next time the MasterStartPosition is reached.

modus mctransition_off

Application example

Packaging products

Products moving on a belt should be placed in packages for further processing. The incoming and outgoing belts, as well as the axes with the packaging tools are all coupled to a master axis. The movements of the packaging tools are defined by cams. If there are no incoming products, the packaging tool should be halted in a waiting position. When more products arrive, it should leave the waiting position and enter the cam.

bsp mctransition_off


The sum of "LeadInSlaveDistance" and "LeadOutSlaveDistance" should equal the "SlaveInterval"; otherwise, the waiting position of the slave is shifted.

The parameter "MasterInterval" has no effect once the coupling has been enabled.