<< 点击显示目录 >> 主页 轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 色标控制 (MC_RegMa-Library) > MC_BR_RegMarkCapture001 > Operating mode ("Mode") > Additional options for the operating mode > Mode: +mcLENGTH_ONLY |
This setting is added to the basic mode.
The product length between two registration marks can be measured using this mode if information about a "PositionError" is not needed. The values of "ActLength" or "LengthError" can continue to be used for compensation.
This mode does not require a master interval reference or event for the interval start.
The value of "ProductParameters.RegMarkPosition" in mode mcACT_CFG + mcLENGTH_ONLY is only used to calculate the first expected position of the registration mark.