<< 点击显示目录 >> 主页 轴控开发使用手册 > ACP10/ARNC0帮助信息 > ACP10_MC运动库 > 分类的功能块 > 基础运动 > MC_BR_EventMoveAdditive > Description of function |
This function block performs a movement of a specified distance using the specified parameters after an event on the drive. This can result in very fast reactions when compared to starting a movement from the controller.
Additional characteristics:
•Before this function block can be used for a real axis, the axis must be homed.
•ACOPOS ParIDs can be used as the event source.
•The event is also permitted to occur while the axis is performing a (basis) movement.
•If "Mode" equals mcCYCLIC or mcCYCLIC_ALL_EVENTS, new movement parameter can be specified by a new rising edge on input "Execute".
•This function block can be aborted by MC_Stop, MC_Halt, MC_Power and all other basis motion function blocks.
•After the MC_BR_EventMoveAdditive function block has been started (i.e. the parameters have been transferred and the event is awaited), the axis state changes as follows:
Axis state |
(For versions > V2.270)
PLCopen motion parameter "DefaultMoveParameters" (1012) selects which values are used for "Velocity", "Acceleration" and "Deceleration" if these inputs are not assigned or written to with value "0". If this parameter is not written to, then the behavior remains the same as in earlier versions. For a detailed description of this option, see Important points.
•If an MC_Movexxx- or MC_BR_EventMovexxx function block is aborted by an MC_BR_EventMovexxx function block, the first one immediately reports "CommandAborted" even though the movement can be terminated properly (e.g. the event for the new function block occurs only after a previous basis movement was terminated at the target position).
•If the MC_TorqueControl or MC_BR_TorqueControl function block is active, it cannot be aborted by this function block. The error 29207: This movement type is currently not allowed. will be reported.
Setting the "Execute" input to TRUE transfers all parameters to the drive and waiting for the event is put into effect. The "Busy" output is set immediately. "WaitingForEvent" is set if all parameters have been configured correctly.
If the "DistanceParID" input ≠ 0, the values on the "Distance" input will be ignored. In this case, the distance for the movement is read from the specified ParID.
If the "DistanceParID" input is used, the target position is specified in axis units and the "DINT" data type.
Parameters can be changed online while this function block is active by setting the "Execute" input again.